Thursday, June 9, 2011

Super Pokémon Scramble Announced!

Hey guys, did you hear? Another new Pokémon game is coming, oh joy! It's called "Super Pokémon Scramble". It's a sequel to Pokémon Rumble that came out on WiiWare last year or something. It's for 3DS, and so far we know you can play as the new Black and White Pokémon, and there's a 2-player DS Download Play mode. It's due for release in Japan on: July 28th 2011, but I doubt anyone here lives in Japan (if you do, gomen nasai) and 3DS' are region locked. Hooray! In other news, you must excuse my laziness, I should be writing a guide tomorrow, but if I don't you have permission to hunt me down and tie me to my chair until I write one. But I'm sure that won't happen~ Till then, dewa mata!

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