Where can I catch a drilbur?
Drilburs can be found in almost every cave area in the game. They only appear on shaking tiles however, so it may take a while to find one. The earliest lace to catch a drilbur is Wellspring Cave. They're found there at level 10 to 13.
Is drilbur good?
Heck yes. Drilbur has huge attack, good HP, and decent speed. Drilbur learns all kinds of strong physical moves, as well as a few good stat boosting moves. When drilbur evolves into excadrill, he will become ground/steel type, which means excadrill will be resistant to nine types and immune to 2. Basically that means only 6 types of attacks can do any worthwhile damage to excadrill.
How does drilbur evolve?
Drilbur will evolve into excadrill when he reaches level 31. Upon evolving, drilbur will change type from ground, to ground/steel.
What moves should I teach drilbur?
All in all, drilbur's movesets are pretty basic. You want at least 3 damaging moves, and maybe one status move for giving drilbur an advantage right away.
Moves you should teach drilbur:
Slot 1: (Level 1) Scratch > (Level 12) Fury Swipes > (TM) Rock Smash (Level 26) Slash > (Level 29) Rock Slide
Slot 2: (Level 1) Mud Sport > (Level 15) Metal Claw > (TM) Brick Break
Slot 3: (Level 5) Rapid Spin > (Level 19) Dig > (Level 36) Earthquake
Slot 4: (Level 8) Mud-slap > (Level 22) Hone Claws > (Level 42) Swords Dance/(Level 49) Sandstorm
In closing
Drilbur is just great. He's pretty basic, but he does his job well, that being hitting things nice and hard. He fits on just about any team, and can carry you pretty far on his own.
Ever since I read this I've been using a Drilbur, now an Excadrill on my team, and it is great! The moveset you suggested works really well. It would be awesome if you kept this going. Thanks!
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