Ah, Blitzle. He was one of the first Pokémon to be revealed for Black and White. Of course he was called "シママ" back then. Memories... Well that's enough of me being nostalgic. First question:
Where/How do I get Blitzle?
Blitzle can be found on Route 3. He's found at level 8 to 11, or 10 to 13 in the thick grass. There's a 20% chance to run into Blitzle every time you encounter a wild Pokémon on Route 3.
Is Blitzle good?
Yes, he is. Blitzle is the first electric type pokemon available to the player. And even later in the game Blitzle remains one of the stronger electric types. He's wicked fast, has good attack and special attack, and has a well sized move library to choose from. And we haven't even gotten to his abilities yet.
Blitzle's abilities are: Lightningrod, and Motor Drive. Lightingrod causes Blitzle to take no damage from electric type attacks, and receive a special attack boost when hit with them. Motor Drive does the same thing, only Blitzle's speed is boosted instead of his special attack.
So being hit with electric attacks makes him stronger! It's like being part ground type only without the weaknesses.
When/How does Blitzle evolve?
Blitzle evolves into Zebstrika upon reaching level 27.
What moves should I teach Blitzle?
Typically you want at least three attacks with Blitzle/Zepstrika, plus a token status move for getting the upper hand early.
Moves you should teach Blitzle
Slot 1: (Level 1) Quick Attack > (Level 22) Pursuit > (Level 31) Stomp > (TM) Return
Slot 2: (Level 4) Tail Whip > (Level 15) Thunder Wave/(TM) Swagger/Double Team
Slot 3: (Level 8) Charge > (Level 18) Flame Charge > (TM) Overheat
Slot 4: (Level 11) Shock Wave > (Level 25) Spark > (Level 36) Discharge > (Level 47) Wild Charge/(TM) Thunder/Thunderbolt
In closing
Blitzle is a fine addition to any party that wants a good electric type. He has the benefit of being found early in the game, but is still strong enough to compete with the less common Pokémon encountered later. He's just a good friend like that, don't you think?
Keep doing these 'how to raise pokemon'! I love them! But I just realised it says 'Posted by Noah' this whole time I thought you were a girl. :3
ReplyDeleteim training this blitzle and so far it is a great pokemon